
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Friday, July 25, 2003

Current most listened song: Gekkou by Chihiro Onizuka

Lately I haven't taken the time to update the blog as often as I used to before.. I actually forgot that I had a guestbook, and yesterday I checked to see if I had some and there it was.. sorry for the late approval. Sometimes I forget that I have an audience..

Here's my reply to ano-ny-mouse: No, that isn't me. I've never dressed up in costumes. In all my life, whether it's the 12 years in Malaysia, 7 years (2 as a toddler and 5 as a teenager) in UK or 4 years in the US.. I've never celebrated Halloween [not even walk around in the neigbourhood for 'trick or treat'] and the only time I've ever worn anything other than normal clothes is during plays/drama/performances that I was involved in. True, I once acted as a divine being called Iris in our high school performance of Shakepeare's The Tempest , but that was before I even wore my tudung and I was dressed in a light green Greek goddesss dress [plus, I went barefoot, no heels involved :) ]. Maybe someone should ask Lalat who's the girl in question.

To Aernie: I'd be glad to cook for you, but unfortunately I'm not sure if I can cook as often as I like by the time you move in to UV because I won't have the apartment all to myself again in the Fall semester.. Balik la cepat sikit, kalau sempat nanti Noris masakkan untuk rumah korang sekali..

To Hafiz: Ja wohl! Ich muß erlernen, besseres Deutsches zu sprechen.
" Buah cempedak di luar pagar, Ambilkan galah tolong jolokkan, Saya budak baru belajar, Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan." hehehh... kan dah ternyanyi, nasib baik takde sesiapa dengar..

Anyway, did I tell you that I hurt my 'tush'? On Wednesday evening, I went rollerblading with Nad, Emira, Haz, Aliff, Macho, Pieja and, with Siti and Elyn (on bikes).. we were blading from RBC, St. Anthony, downtown and back through the west bank. The trip was a little bit challenging this time and I fell 3 times; once on someone, once as I tried to turn, and the major one was when we were moving downhill and making a right turn at full speed. I was actually trying to avoid bumping into someone but then I lost the rythm of my steps and ended up loosing control of my wheels and I did the forward split and banged my butt with a loud thud on the hard pavement. It hurts so bad but I could still get up.. It's not anybody's fault I guess; we were playing, and falling is part of the game. Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way.. at least I wasn't bleeding badly [Pieja scraped his knee and elbow as he fell a few times].. Nad also fell on her tush cause she couldn't make right turns as good as left turns.. so as she moves at high speed, she lost control and fell.. she tried to lessen the impact of the fall but ended up scraping her hands as she was dragged on.. From Coffmann Union, we both took the bus home.. As soon as we got to our 3rd floor apartment we both took the cushion and laid on the floor, Nad on her side and me on my front, unable to move due to pain.. I'm constantly reminded of the fall all through last night and every time I'm sitting down today. I even walked to work with my left hand sandwiched between the top of my butt and my bag which seems to be bouncing on my back with every step I take.. This is going to hurt for a while..

I saw the new petronas Hari Kebangsaan iklan today through this link.. Just want to share it with the others..

On my way to my research lab in the bus this evening, there was a lady who had an asthma attack. I think she almost stopped breathing, but the people who sat nearby was really helpful.. I didn't know exactly what was happening as the drama had already began to unfold in fornt of me even before I stepped into the bus. At first someone offered to take her to the fairview hospital but she would have to walk a bit before getting to the hospital from the bus stop.. so instead someone told the bus driver and he dialed for the ambulance right away. So then he stopped the bus and we waited for the ambulance. About a minute later we could hear the ambulance wailing towards us and soon the paramedic was running into the bus. A few minutes later another Ambulance from HCMH (Hennepin County Medical Hospital) arrived to take her away. The woman had to wear oxygen mask for breathing . It was quite scary, poor lady. Hope she's ok now.

Though I might not be able to participate in next year's Midwest games. I am happy to announce that the host of Midwest Games 2004 will be the members of the Malaysian Student association of University of Minnesota. Looks like next year will be Tahun Melawat Minnesota. With everyone's cooperation, I'm sure it's going to be great.

Anyway, I'm gonna try to get some shut-eyes for now.. good night.. don't let the bed-bugs bite..


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