
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

First and foremost, I just wanna wish mrzackamir, Happy Birthday!! I wanted to greet him on the stroke of midnight but I accidentally doozed off.. That's what happens when you read a book while you're ready in bed.[highly unadvisable for pre-exam studying, though highly comfortable]

Anyway, guess what I did today.. actually let me call someone first, then I'll write it down.. ehehehe.
I drove my supervisor's truck today!! I know it's nothing big but I have never drove a truck before.. I drove from the parking lot from behind one of the frat houses and all the way to Rainbows at the Quarry... then we went to PetSmart cause I needed to buy some fish food for my pets.

Yeah, work today was nothing like work at all.. sure, I'd answer the phone, fill in for people and do the usual money-handling cashier stuff... but I've spent most of today being out n about; I got to work half an hour early today, punch in and sat reading my book [for my literature class], went out for lunch with our supervisor n Amanda [for an hour], then went driving [for another hour], came back and started chatting and reading a book for the next few hours, Jena called yesterday to leave a message for Liz that she won't be coming to work today, then Liz called today and say that I need to leave a message for Jena that she'll be coming in late for work.. but Jena's not coming, so I have to stay for an extra hour.. which is fine.. More money in my pocket!! :)

Anyway, yesterday.. I went to the see the soccer match.. Unfortunately I came rather late [sometime in the middle of the second half] cause they started early this week and I had to stay at work at the usual time.. our soccer team didn't do as well [ not related to my absence I'm pretty sure, hehhe ] We didn't have the full troupe with us this time.. We lost, the final score was 5-2. Maybe with the whole team present, next week we'll do better..

This evening after lab, I'm gonna be going to Lake Calhoun with Amanda again.. We're gonna be going to walk around.. If it's not so hot I might run.. but Amanda can't run [due to her bad knee] so we'll see...

p/s: I've finally seen myself dance yesterday in the video of our Midwest 2003 Grand Dinner Performance.. everyone looked wonderful, too bad that the Chinese dancers didn't get to perform.. Otherwise it would have been perfect.. nonetheless, good job everyone!


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