Fariza & Sabri's wedding
Kak Ija's wedding. Click here for more photos...

Yesterday I went to Kak Ija's wedding.
It was actually the groom's side but since I've missed the bride's reception a fortnight ago, Kak Ija had invited me to attend this one instead.Kak Ija (also known formally as Ms. Fariza Zainal Abidin) is the closest hing to an older sister to me while I was studying abroad in University of Minnesota. Not only that, she was my roommate and friend. She is the coolest person, and we have so much in common. I really enjoyed being with her, even if it was for a short while. Whenever we don't see each other she'd write to me once in a while and whenever I return back to Malaysia, we would meet up and talk as if we've never been separated.. she's so much fun.. and now she's gone and got married, leaving me in bachelorette zone all alone... ;-)
Anyway, according to the wedding invitation, the ceremony was suppose to begin at 12 noon and end at 4pm. So when I left the house at 1 o'clock, I felt that I was definitely late. As it turns out, luck was on my side. As I was looking for a parking spot at the near the wedding site, I could see strapping young lads carrying the "kompang" walking towards the next street from the wedding tents. At this sight I assumed that the ceremony was almost at its end and the guests were beginning to leave the site. Then just as I founds a parking spot, I got out of the car and heard the kompang drummings melodizing the familiar wedding tune. However, at the time I wasn't sure if I'm at the right wedding cause the road sign was covered by some bushes. Nevertheless, I joined the "rombongan perempuan" as we strolled into the wedding house with the kompang blaring behind us. We were greeted with smiling faces, and people gently chucking "bunga rampai" at us. Since this is the groom's side, I didn't really know anyone. (The guy is not from University of MInnesota, he's an alumni of University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign).. so while the bride and groom sat down to eat at the high table, me and my sister made our way to the guests' table and had our late lunch. I looked around to see if there was anyone I knew but everyone looked so unfamiliar. So we chit-chat with strangers, and kept ourselves occupied.
After we had our meal, I went to snap some pixs with the happy couple and went our way. Just before I left I met my other UofM senior (Haz and her husband). I haven't met her in years, so I greeted her before I left.
The ceremony was grand and joyous. Kak Ija was beautiful, and she looks so happy with her husband. I wish you all the best in your marriage, hope it lasts forever.. :-)
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