
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Procastinating again.. (part II)

In my unmotivated-unenthusiastic state of mind, I have found ways to spark an interest.
First I went out of my office and made myself a cup of fresh brewed NESCAFE (eh, macam iklan plak..)
Actually I intended to go to the restroom but as fate had its way I met a friend who was carrying biscuits for the pantry.. so I lost my sense of direction and somehow landed myself in the pantry.
Anyway to make a long story short, I took the cup of coffee and made my way back to my room (now that I think of it I really need to go to the toilet)
Then just as I was about to enter my office I met my next door office-neighbour, who greeted me by "tak makan tengahari?" To which I politely replied that I'm still full from a late breakfast. Then I started thinking, I don't think I want to have lunch today.. I'll be having a meeting at 3 and they serve food there too. If I keep up with all my meals I'd probably end up adding more pounds soon.
To which he replied "Well just give it a month and we'll see what happens".. I must have been thinking out loud :S
Anyway, once I got into the office I started surfing on the web (a major sign of procastinating..hehe) My favourite site was actually unavailable (something about 'too many connections', must be like traffic jam or something).. so I opened up and started typing out stuff.. I typed my name and I found this( and ( Isn't it cool, in Deutschland.. I'm a bank!
( ) in UK.. I'm a "NO Rainwater I Sewers" Project!
( in Japan.. I'm a diving tourist attraction (I think)
( Poland.. I'm a art supplier!( I even have my own dairy store.. :)

All right, lets get back to work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a name for that, googling your own name, it's called: "ego-surfing". People say that it's a bad thing, but then you never really know.

10:05 PM  

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