Is it that time already?
My.. my.. my.. is it December already? Time sure does fly by ( regardeless of whether you're really having fun or not really).
Well, with only days to go before the new year I guess it's not too early to start thinking about past and new resolutions.. with 2003 being the year of graduation, 2004 being the year of the new career, 2005 being the year of engagement, 2006 looks clear to be the new year for the BIG day! Yes, we are planning our wedding next year.. though we're still not announcing the exact date as yet, I can safely say that the rumours of a January-jig is not true (believe me I'm not denying anything, it's just not true).
OK so what will the new year resolutions be.. sorry if everything sounds like it's oriented around the topic of my wedding but that's the way it'll have to be this next year..
#1. Just like any other year, my first resolution would be to loose weight. And this year it really has to happen cause I have to fit and look absolutely gorgeous in that fabulous dream wedding outfit.. Don't worry I won't jeopardise my health for the cause by starving and puking out my swallowed meals.. this just means that I'll eat smaller portions, cut down on chocolates, cakes and fast food. I've done it before, it's not impossible.. really. Once I went on more than a year without a single chunk of chocolate. Oh yeah, and this also means that I have to notch it up on my exercise routine. Hopefully this wouldn't be a problem cause I'm planning to take swimming lessons that'll help me for that big dive off the 100 feet oil-rig platform as part of my safety training in my new job!
#2. I'll learn how to manage my money.. let me rephrase that.. I'll stop buying things I don't really need.. I'll plan my shopping.. Oh!! what's the use, this just doesn't make sense. It's like telling a bird not to fly.. ok, ok.. let's try it again.. I'll TRY to buy less and save more.. after all weddings are costly these days, and of course we'd want to go somewhere special for the post-wedding honeymoon.
#3. I'll make sure I come back home at least one weekend every month (to PJ) and I'll call my family every week.. even if I don't have anything interestingly new to tell.
#4. Learn how to cook more stuff... learn to sew.
#5. Work on being a star-employee :)
#6. And most importantly, on top of the regular prayers.. I plan to read more, I mean more often, the Holy Quran that is!
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