
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Monday, November 26, 2001

Days go by and before you know it, it's Sunday once again.. and you'd look at the little list that you made on Friday of all the things you wanted to do and think " Where has my weekend gone?".. That's why Sunday is also known as "the last minute rush" as you spent the whole day on the sole purpose of preparing for the dreaded Monday that's crawling 24 hours away..This is the time that you'd sit back and think of a million reasons to assure yourself that you are not falling behind and actually do something to catch up... so if you wanna know what I'm doing today.. guess!

First I'm gonna et all these rebate forms sorted out.. The good thing about shopping during the thanksgiving break is that you'd get the best deal of the year.. last year I bought a maroon and gold bedding set which costs around $299.99 regularly but actually went down all the way to $99.99.. I was really shocked when the cashier asked me for that small amount.. I thought I'd really have to spent a paycheck's worth on that thing.. but hey, there you go! However thi syear I don't really have a shopping list cause I'm not going home anytime soon, so I went shopping with my roommate just for the mere purpose of helping her make all those essential decisions and also carry her stuff around. It's not really that bad cause I enjoy shopping, especially when you know you can afford the things on sale.. even if you can't afford it.. it's good to go shopping with someone who can, at least at the end of the day you feel that your efforts are worth the hassle.. that's why I really don't like shopping with someone who wants to window shop all day.. so anyway, this year we did some serious shopping.. kak Ijah has a list of all the things she wanted to buy and the night before we stayed up looking at catalogues and deciding where and when we are gonna go to all these stores. We actually woke up before the crack of dawn and ate our sahur together, prayed and got ready early enough to catch the 6.30 bus to get to Best Buy as early as possible. The store opened at 7 am but we got there 20 minutes later.. we rushed towards the CD/Computer section only to find that the 'Free after rebate' product that we wanted was all gone.. stashed close to someone's sweaty armpit somewhere in the line queing to pay or somewhere.. The store was so packed, I have never seen a store this full .. it was hard just to move around.. everyone was rushing in to get the best deals on this '5 hour early bird sale' .. so then we tried to get everything on our shopping list while one of us tays in the queing line which moves at the pace of about one customer per 20 minutes or something... there was alot of other additional temporary cashier points opened up throughout the store.. my roommate got her pocket pc, one for her dad and one for herself and I bought myself a new Nokia cell phone.. I have been wanting to have one for a while now.. so I thought this is the best time as ever to get one.. I'm not sure what the regular price was but I'm only paying $14.99 for it. We also bought some CD-RW discs and some blank videos. We also saw some familiar faces from campus and Pyan and his roommates...
Then we rushed to Rosedale and looked around for more gifts.. I was rather content with my little purchases, but my roommate still has a ton of things to buy.. I wanted to go to Victoria Secrets first.. so we headed to that section and we each pampered ourselves on some items (which I'd rather not mention here..).. then we surveyed some other stores for gifts, I didn't really feel like shopping for clothes anymore because I think I have more than enough clothes to last me the next year [and maybe the next one too].. we finally stopped at Herberger's to lok at some watches and bedding sets.. we saw some really good deals at the bedding section and kak Ijah bought 2 quilted sets one inpink and one in purple as wedding gifts for her brother and sister who will both be getting married simultaneously with their loved ones in March next year..
After that we went up to the cosmetics section, we must've sampled 4 dozen different men's cologne that afternoon, smells that ranged from cat's pee to lemon juice.. we finally agreed on the Hugo BOSS collection.. we actually prefered Tommy Cool but they didn't have gift sets.. My nose was practically contaminated with all these perfumes.. then we turned to our left to try out some female perfumes.. she wanted something from Lancome cause we would get a bag of free gifts.. they didn't really have a great collection.. I prefered 'Oui!' but my roommate liked 'Poeme' instead.. the smell reminds me of my mum cause she has 'Poeme' stashed up some where in her cosmetic cupboard.
With our load of two bedding sets, perfume and electronics.. we carried it all and braved ourselves for a trip to the Mall of America.. we got out of the mall just in time as the 84G express bus rolled by.. so we got in and sat ourselves right at the front.. I was so tired at the time.. I felt that I needed to eat something, I've never been shopping like this during Ramadhan before.. I'm just glad that it wasn't warm that day.. we saw some Malaysian juniors in the bus.. they didn't really buy anything big...
We arrived at the mall about 45 minutes later.. I slept through the whole trip, on the new soft bedding sets.. there was a streak of lines on my cheeks when I woke up.. but I didn't care.. we stored our stuff in the large lockers by the bus station in the basement and walked into the mall...we went into 'Linen and Things' to see if the embroidered quilt that we saw the week before was on sale or not.. unfortunately it wasn't.. so I bought a table cloth for my dining table instead. We went to SEARS to look at some CD players, bedding sets and watches.. kak Ijah bought a gold watch for her mum and also an embroidered pink quilt.. it was already 3.30 at the time and we were both exausted.. so we wet back home in a taxi..
We originally planned to go to the MSA Iftar at the Dinnaken House but we were too tired to go out again.. so we just ordered Papa John's pizza.. we were both content with the result of the day's shopping... I started charging my gold colored cell phone while reading the manual as my roommate explored the functions of her hp pocket pc.. we were both excited and forgot all about the tiredness that we felt before.. by 6 we went to pray at the Dinkytown mosque with Aza and Awin.. it's actually my first time there.. I was planning to go to Darul Farooq with Kak Zee but kak Jali told me that the place is packed, she was squashed by large Somalians the last time she was there..
Anyway, we were late for the bus so we missed the 6.14 bus, Aza told us that it was a 6.20 bus but she must've looked at the schedule wrong cause it's actually at 6.14 [we checked the schedule the next day].. we waited for the next bus which was scheduled at 6.44 [we thought it'd come at 6.55].. it started raining so we walked there in the rain.. it wasn't really as bad as the rain after we prayed though, we were soaked by the time we got home..
When I got home Tom called, he wanted to come over to give me the gift that he got me when he went to Chicago with Joann the day before.. so he came over for a while..he wanted to ask me to go out to eat.. but I was too tired, so he ended up finishing off our pizza, there was only a slice left anyway.. he must've very hungry..

Anyway.. yesterday turned out to be a total waste of a day.. I wanted to go to the Law Building in the morning to help MSA set up for the Islam:Uncensored II cause I already replied to Taqee saying that I'd be there after work to help out.. it turns out that I have to work from 10 to 4 instead of the regular hours so I should've gone to help before work but I woke up late.. so I went to work doing absoultely nothing but waste my time on LITERATI [which I promise myself I'd stay away from.. from now on], I was testing out my phone as I was walking home from the gym talking to Zack to ask him about his shopping spree and whether he went skiing or not [fathi told me earlier that day that he heard Amilin telling him that the trip was cancelled].. I saw two figures waving at mefrom afar.. I didn't have my contact lenses on so I couldn't really make out the faces of these wavers.. After a while I approached them anyway, it was Che Wan and Izrin on their way to Darul Farooq for Iftar. We started talking for a little bit, they told me that some of teh girls went out of their houses at 5 am to go shopping.. other than teh fact that zack and his fellow shoppers shopped til 10 pm, that really surprised me..
Well I hope everyone was happy with all their shopping.. I know I am..

I called Monina last night to ask her about our trip to Florida.. Nini was in Milwaukee so we couldn't confirm anything yet..but we'll get it sorted out soon.


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