
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Thursday, March 21, 2002

"Thin maybe in, honey.. but fat's where it's at" ~Florence, The Supreme.

Well what can I say.... it's definitely a long time sit I actually sat down and babbled anything here. As usual so much has happened and before you know it you wake up to the first day of Spring.. Yeah, it might not feel like it but spring's definitely here.. which, I shall announce happily, means that summer is right around the bend.. [yeay...] At the moment I'm just killing time, lounging around, just relaxing.. it's work in the morning til noon, then it's another hour of working out [hehe.. 'I work and work out at the gym everyday'.. now there's something not everyone can say] and another hour of wiping those sweats [sauna, steam room..the works] then I'd go home, pray, eat then read a novel or something for a few hours then I'd watch tv or rent a movie.. sometimes Tom would drop by in the evening after he's done with work and asks me out for dinner or something, well maybe not sometimes..I should say 'almost everday'..hehe.. that's what friends are for right..being there in your time of need.. I'd probably be bored outta my head if nobody drops by..I could get used to all this loafing...but hey, the weeks almost over and I'm gonna have to start thinking about my studies all over again.. I just realised that I have an organic lab quiz yesterday, it's gonna be on Thursday night and I have an exam on Friday too.. then I have a bunch of other stuff to do.. reports and hw and all.. so starting today, I guess I'll have to stop thi slittle break a little bit early.. well it was fun while it lasted..


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