
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Little RED book
Well you know how men have their little black book, I just realised that women actually have a thing called the 'red' book..but hey don't start making assumptions, it's not what you think.. these are not the same type of book where you list out the contact number of all your potential opposite-sex victims, the book is more like a life guide, you know, about life's miracles, usual everyday situations, self-improving skills, relationships, bla..bla..bla [the one I found was a guide to a married life, it talks more about looking after a baby rather than aything else.. ] it kinda made me look at life a little bit differently.. lifted off those little grey clouds above me... made me see that life is beautiful..

I can't wait for this semester to end.. I'm practically counting the days that's passing by. 3 more months, then I can spend the next 2.5 months with the people I love, at the places I 'm so fond off, and doing the things I enjoy. Though I'm a little bit disappointed that I won't be able to join my friends in our little annual midwest gathering.. such woe that I have to spend the one and only weekend that I have been anticipating, in an exam room instead of in the sports court.. oh, well what to do?

speaking of what to do.. have you ever asked yourself what would you do if you had a million dollars?let's not talk about winning the lottery or anything like that, cause the chances of that ever happening is slim to none, and if you're like me [the type that stays away from casinoes and any form of gambling] the chances of winning a million through lottery has the lowest probability of ever happening.. so let's not drool on how you get it.. but let's just conentrate on what you'd do with it..would you live for the moment, save it for the future, take a risk & invest, be charitable or just splurge and have fun? First thing I'd do is probably pay off all the debt that I could possibly ever think of.. I'll even pay off the debts of those I love dearly.. my family and close friends.. without asking for anything back in return [well if you have a million, money's not really a major concern is it?] then after being completely debt-free, divide my little 'imaginary' wealth.. I'd get a lazer eye treatment for me and my parents [and my sis Nora too], put a little to the side for my dream car, a little on my lavish once-in-a-life-time wedding ceremony [typical 'monica'-like], a little on my fantasy house by the perfect beach and fill it with all of the wonderful things that I had always wanted [do I still want a private swimming pool?], take both my parents to perform the holy pilgrimage, then come back and ..go travelling to visit the seven wonders of the world, then with what I have left, I'd buy some apartments and rent them to out so that I'll always have a little continuous input [isn't this the easiest way of getting extra paychecks every month].. hang on, is a million enough for all that? heheh.. I guess I would splurge, but not until I have all my responsibilities taken care off, and I do think of my future.. though looking back, I guess I'm not really that charitable to those I don't know, I'm more into helping those who cared about me, sort of like returning all the little the favors... so why don't you ask yourself, what would you do if you had a million dollars [passed to you in a will or something] maybe it would tell you things about yourself.. don't think too long about it.. just write down everything that comes to mind.. might be fun, if not atleast it gets your creative mind running..


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