
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Sunday, February 09, 2003


Today is my baby sister's birthday, well she's not really a baby but if you're the youngest in the family, you're always the baby.. Aisyah is turning 15 today, she'll be taking her PMR later this year. My how time flies.. I could still remember the first time I saw her at home.. I was coming home from school one day and my grandma was waiting on the swing in our garden as the bus drops me and my brother home.. she told me that my mother had just given birth to a new sister at noon that day. Somehow I wasn't too excited at the thought of another baby in the house cause the last time I had a baby sister [when I was five] I felt that I had to help out a lot with getting this and that for the baby.. and I could still remember how noisy the baby cried at night, bla..bla.. bla... so the thought of going through all that again was not too exciting.. That evening I was walking in our garden with my dad to feed the white pigeon that we have and he asks me what I'd like to name the new baby.. "what about 'Farah' ?"I suggested... that's one of my friend's name from the Quran recital classes that I attended.. I could see that Abah didn''t agree.. He said "kalau 'Farah' nanti 'Parah' "... I laughed so hard, I could still remember it turns out that Abah wanted to name the girls "Nor Something".. so that's why he didn't agree to it..
The baby arrived the next day along with the return of mama.. As I got off the school bus, I saw my aunts and my uncles car parked in our drive way and along the side of the streets.. I got in and all the guests were sitting in the living room, mama was lying down in our extra bedroom downstairs and the new baby was next to her.. Abah told me that her name is Nor Ai'syah.. everyone was surrounding the baby and I had to squeeze in to get to the front. Mama smiled and I stared at the baby, she was so fair and her hair was light brown like a doll, I hugged mama and she kissed me... later I got to hold the new baby for the first time.. I was so excited!

When I was younger people always says that I look like my dad, the uncles at the masjid would always guess who's daughter I am whenever they see me' but as I grew up people say that I look more like my mum when she was at my age..quite a compliment actually; mama was beautiful. Abang and Husna looks like mama too, Nora looks like someone from Abah's side of the family.. and Aisyah, she's really a blend of both.. she stands out cause she's so fair, and I have a feeling she's gonna be tall like Nora. I didn't get a chance to meet both of my grandpas but I was told that Abah's dad was a tall guy, maybe that's where she got it from.. she must be 5' 8" and the last time I checked Aisyah is slightly taller than me, and that was when she was in her early 13.. Her hair is not as brown as mine but she's still fair.

People always asks mama why her kids are all of different shades, she said that she was testing out old folk's myths.. when she was pregnant with Abang, people kept telling her to eat this and avoid that but she decided to eat what she wants just to see if it is true.. and Abang turns out slightly dark.. then when she was pregnant with me, she tried the soya beans and avoiding spicy food and stuff like that and so I turned out lighter, then she did the same thing with Nora too.. when she was pregnant again she wanted to check if it would be the same with girl babies as it is with boys.. so she decided not to drink the soya milk and stuff.. as a result Husna is so similar to Abang, they even look alike too, with the curly hair and all.. they look so cute together. With Aisyah she didn't only drink soya milk, she also drank unpasturized milk [the type you have to order from Bengali people].. the milk smells and you have to drink it while it's warm, every evening they would send it to our house... and so when Aisyah was born, she was sooo fair... so I guess, the experiment was a success!

I called Aisyah today, she was telling me about her birthday celebration.. I miss her so much! She said that Abang bought her a pretty denim shirt, I asked her if I could borrow it.. she said "yeah! when you come back".. the last time I came back, she was wearing my clothes.. it's so much fun when the four of us sisters get together, we're all about the same size right now that we could share each others clothes, especially tops... I can't borrow Nora's pants cause they're too long, and some of Husna's are slightly big but Aisyah and I could share pants and skirts.. we could even wear each others' shoes. I can't wait to get back home..


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