
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Friday, March 28, 2003

"Man can hardly even recognize the devils of his own creation" - Albert Schweitzer

I got the quote above from an environmental article that I've read recently but I found that it also relates to other non-environmental related issues. Yesterday in class, we saw a movie based on Rachel Carson's famous controvercial book the "Silent Spring", I was amazed at the sight of human beings both adults and children being sprayed literally with DDT in the 60's in order to kill lice which was then known to be the spreader of fatal diseases. You see these men in protected suits coming into University lecture halls spraying as these students sits in the room filled hall smiling and waiting patiently as they were being sprayed. Their smiling faces made it seem like it was a government adverticement or something. Hard to believe! Next we say children being sprayed as they ate their lunch together in a school playground. Years later, with Carson's book being published, the public was held with the knowledge that these insecticide chemicals are not just insect killers but also kills other animals such as fishes and birds, as well as giving human cumulative health risks which could lead to cancer etc.. At the moment I don't think that it is globally banned, I'm gonna write an article on this issue. Maybe I'll publish it next week (once again after my exam).

The weather has made a drastic divergence from yesterdays sunny day. So don't pack those winter coats just yet, there'll be snow tomorrow...

There's just too many conflicts in this world since the beginning of mankind, and man should learn by now that war causes more destruction than solution. I've added another photo to the little compilation. Click on this paragraph to be directed there.

Anyway, it's going to be a busy day for me once again. I've started to take night Theatre class beginning last Tuesday. It's really fun, you won't even realise 3 hours passing so quickly. Like two days ago we went to the Cedar-Riverside theater for the first time and it was our first class but we were divided into groups and we had to act with a given limited script. Our group was the first to perform, and I had to act as a girl who was following her two brothers committing a pick pocket crime in a grocery store. I was the good one persuading them not to steal.. and at the end I kind of saved them by spotting that the store owner was looking at us. Good times... I didn't realize at first but when the groups were performing, I realised that Azwa was also in the class.. and as he was performing he had this grin on his face acknowledging me that he's also in the act.. he was acting as a gay hairdresser and his partner's customer was nort satisfied with her hair do and he was assuring her that it's 'ok'..

At the beginning of the week I was a little confused about the class.. I know it starts this week, and it's from 6-9 pm.. so while I was checking my email at home I checked my enrollment summary to see what room its in.. I made the grand mistake of not checking what day the classes were in. So assuming that the class is on Monday night [cause Monday is the one of the days that I don't have an evening shift at work], I went to the room... I got there and found 12 students.. all of which are 50 years and above. So I sat there and the lecturer introduces the class and she said " welcome to America's romantic film comedies class" and I chuckled skeptically thinking that she's just being funny cause I know that the class I signed up for was Drama and the media. So anyway, she was explaining the class and I just sat there listening.. at one point I got bored and started making a groceries shopping list at the back of my new maroon and gold U of Mn notebook pretending to be taking notes.. then she started to call out names to take attendance, my name is usually last cause my last name starts with a Y, but with the small class I didn't have to wait long to find that I wasn't in the list, but then again there's another 3 students whose name wasn't on the list.. I thought that I just registered late and so I wasn't in her attendance list.. so I sat there still like a good student would, and then the truth sunks in as she passes the syllabus around class and there it was at the top of the paper CSch 0191 "America's romantic film comedies".. then I realised that I'm in the wrong class but I thought that it would be rude to leave cause the instructor wanted to see me during the break to take my personal info. The class was 0 credit and it is so easy, you go to class to discuss the movies which you have watched.. there's no movie review or assignments.. you will not be graded at all and your only homework is to watch at least one of the movies that's in the list once a week... and the only student responsibility is to make sure that your cell phone is turned off during the movies... so there I was, in this small dilemma of should I stay or should I go when suddenly I was saved my the bell.. Adam called me on my cell and I had apparently forgoten to put it on the silent mode. So I picked up my bag along with all of my belongings and dashed out of the class without the slightest hesitation or doubt. No more turning back, I went straight to the computer lab in the basement of Anderson Hall and checked my registration summary once again.. and there it was TTh [Tuesday and Thursday] nights.. I laughed to myself.. silly me! Tuesday was a busy day, I had work from 12-3, process control lab from 3.30-6.30, theatre class from 6-9 and work again from 9-11... so there's a little conflict at 6 o'clock and I was hoping that we could finish our experiment quickly and run to the westbank for my class.. but our group messed up so many times that we repeated the first part 3 times before we had it right.. then the computer wouldn't save our data so we had to repeat again.. and everyone kept complaing of being hungry so we finally got done at 6.15pm.. still early considering we should be leaving at 6.30 but I was already late for the class which I was had arrived day early for. But all was well at the end of the day.. I've met the professor before, recently actually, as I recall, as he came to buy a gym membership from me while I was working... Anyway, I'll be going to class again tonight but before that I have to finish off the first and the second chapter of our Process Design project.. Tschus!


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