
A message to myself..that's exactly what this is.. My own little niche in life..

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Wicked..wicked had to kick it...

Bright as the sun, I wanna have some fun
Come and gimme some of that yum yum
Chocolate chip, honey dipped...

well what a day..I was dreading this comings of this week, I'm suppose to be having a major midterm on Friday, but i also have a lab report due Tuesday, two assignments due Wednesday, a quiz and another lab report due on Thursday night. Then as I was juggling my time meeting the TA and finishing off the reports and assignments, I found out that one of our labs will be cancelled next week. Then I managed to finish an 8 hour long experiment in just 3 hours which means that I don't have to come to lab this thursday, which also means no lab report due and no quiz...horraaayyy!
Then I got home and found out that this one company which I used to volunteerily do some work with, is actually paying me.. double hooray!
And above all else, I'm having a wonderful hair day [not that anyone can actually have a peak at it, but hey, if it makes you happy, right?]

Saturday, March 23, 2002

cumulo nimbus capilatus

I guess once class starts all over again all your friends will be gathereing around and asking each one of us what kinda stuff we've been up to during the break.. surely soem went back to their hometown, some travelled, while other work or just hang out with friends.. For me this is the first break that I am not going anywhere, my cosuin asked me to go and visit them but I decided to stay put.. working and saving up for the big summer bash in Tokyo, babey!.. Some friends wanted to go to Duluth this weekend but everyone kept quiet I don't think we really wanted to go...hehe.. so here's what I've been upto this break..I've managed to finally finish Harry Potter III, Chad was so excited that I finished the book he wanted me to start on the Fourth one right away.. he said that's the best one yet.. "once you read the fourth you'll love it so much that you'll be like me.. just waiting for the fifth o ne coming out this summer.." he said. well I loved the ending of the Third one so much that I am kinda hoping that I could start on the next one.. but school is starting soon and I'm sure I'd start and stop after just afew chapters..[the next one is about 700++ pages].. I already gave my fourth copy to my youngest sis, last two years .. so Chad's gonna borrow me his.. Sarah was freaking out on Thursday when she saw me and Paul in the office both reading the book.. Paul is reading teh fourth one already.. she couldn't figure out why everyone is so crazy about Harry Potter..hehe.. I borrowed the third book from Monina 2 months ago while I was in Madison..and next week Mega is coming over with some of her other friends, so I'm gonna give the book back through her to Monina. can't wait to see Mega again, we had so much fun in Florida together.. I talked to Nad yesterday and she was also telling me how much Mega wants us to meet again.. Last month I chatted with Mashid, and I showed her our holiday pictures and she was so surprised that I went with Mega, I asked her why.. and she explained that MEga is her sister's bestfriend and that they grew up together in Klang.. I was so shocked.. what a coincidence..

Anyway, besides reading a novel I've been pretty much stuck in my office during the day.. and sometimes I have doubled shifts with Paul, so I took this opportunity to get Paul to teach me some html stuff and I've managed to expand this blog to be a part of my personal webpage.. and guess what.. I made a home for my homepage.. you could also get into tonnes of exciting links from there.. and even look at more of my holiday photos.. There's also links to get back home at the left keep coming back for new inputs..

Talking about new stuff, Ohio seems to be having their own coin out recently.

So then now that teh weekend is drawing near I'd have to start preparing for classes... I bought a new bag last week.. it's a red NIKE bag which I bought from, my old bag was ript all over the place.. I've had it for almost 4 years and all.. it's past its due date,so it is time to get a new one.. Ican stilluse the old one though so I've decided to keep it as my gym bag.. I planning to keep up with this twice a week trip to the gym..hehhe.. I'm standing strong at 105 pounds right now.. I don't wanna look like Kate Moss or anything, instead I think I'll stick with the curves.. thank you very much.. I just wanna lower the fat:muscle ratio, and prevent any unwanted diseases in the later years..

Thursday, March 21, 2002

Physio was an intelligent boy. After doing a physiotherapy course abroad for 3 years, he returned home and set up a clinic in his
hometown. He asked a designer to make a new name plate to be hung on the wall outside the clinic. The next morning, when he went to his clinic, he was pleased to find that the name plate was already put up. But he was greatly annoyed by the wordings on he plate : TUKANG URUT. He went to the designer and took him to task.

"How can you insult my profession? 'Tukang Urut' means masseur in Malay. I am a physiotherapist and not a masseur! Make sure you change the name right now! And see that the word is spelt correctly!" Physio said angrily.

The designer apologized and promised to make the immediately. Without further delay, he proceed to change the name but found that the word "physiotherapist' was too long. So he broke it up into three words to make it easier to read.

The next morning, Physio hit the roof when he saw the new name. On the name plate were written :

This is cool chocolate math!!!!!!! Work this out as you read.
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate. (try for more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (Just to be bold)

3. Add 5. (for Sunday)

4. Multiply it by 50 I'll wait while you get the calculator................

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1752.... If you haven't, add 1751 ..........

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number .....

The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).

The next two numbers are ........... YOUR AGE!

"Thin maybe in, honey.. but fat's where it's at" ~Florence, The Supreme.

Well what can I say.... it's definitely a long time sit I actually sat down and babbled anything here. As usual so much has happened and before you know it you wake up to the first day of Spring.. Yeah, it might not feel like it but spring's definitely here.. which, I shall announce happily, means that summer is right around the bend.. [yeay...] At the moment I'm just killing time, lounging around, just relaxing.. it's work in the morning til noon, then it's another hour of working out [hehe.. 'I work and work out at the gym everyday'.. now there's something not everyone can say] and another hour of wiping those sweats [sauna, steam room..the works] then I'd go home, pray, eat then read a novel or something for a few hours then I'd watch tv or rent a movie.. sometimes Tom would drop by in the evening after he's done with work and asks me out for dinner or something, well maybe not sometimes..I should say 'almost everday'..hehe.. that's what friends are for right..being there in your time of need.. I'd probably be bored outta my head if nobody drops by..I could get used to all this loafing...but hey, the weeks almost over and I'm gonna have to start thinking about my studies all over again.. I just realised that I have an organic lab quiz yesterday, it's gonna be on Thursday night and I have an exam on Friday too.. then I have a bunch of other stuff to do.. reports and hw and all.. so starting today, I guess I'll have to stop thi slittle break a little bit early.. well it was fun while it lasted..

QUESTION - Why did the chicken cross the road?

KINDERGARTEN TEACHER: To get to the other side.

ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.


ARTHUR ANDERSEN CONSULTANT: Deregulation of the chicken's side of the road was threatening its dominant market position. The chicken was faced with significant
challenges to create and develop the competencies required for the newly competitive market. Andersen, in a partnering relationship with the client, helped the
chicken by rethinking its physical distribution strategy and implementation processes. Using the Poultry Integration Model (PIM), Andersen helped the chicken
use its skills, methodologies, knowledge, capital and experiences to align the chicken people, processes and technology in support of its overall strategy within a Program Management framework.

RICHARD M. NIXON: The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did NOT cross the road.

COMPUTER PROGRAMMER: In order for the chicken to cross the road safely they not only need one driver to access the server farm if not they will hang in the middle of
the road.

JERRY SEINFELD: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the
place, anyway?"

BILL GATES: I have just released the new Chicken Office 2000, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook.

MAHATHIR: You know, I am tired of all this..'apa-nama' chicken-chicken bisnes....the foreign powers should stop intervening in our domestic affairs and just
leave our chickens alone..... if they want to...'apa nama' cross the road, they should be allowed to cross the road .. Malaysia is a democratic country,we let our chickens do whatever they want to do.... as long as they don't threaten the Malay unity and try to topple the government...and if they plan to do so...we won't hesitate to use the ISA...

ABDULLAH BADAWI: Ini semua adalah khabar angin sahaja...jangan percaya khabar - khabar angin ini semua...biasalah ini adalah taktik pembangkang untuk
memecahbelahkan perpaduan ayam - ayam semua...jangan percaya..jangan percaya....

SAMY VELLU: ayyooyoo...belakang cerita lain kali, kita sude bikin banyak jembatan, itu ayam musti guna jembatan untu lintas itu jalan lagi pun kalu itu ayam
mau pigi jalan-jalan,beritau sama saya juga, saya bolley buat lebbey banyak toll........

KARAM SINGH VALIA: Seperti yang saudara dapat lihat, kelihatan ayam-ayam itu Sedang melintas jalan, mereka bukan sahaja melintas jalan Malah membuang najis
di atas jalan dan ini adalah pencemaran Yang paling hebat di maya pada ini. Bapa-bapa dan ibu-ibu Ayam haruslah mengambil inisiatif untuk melatih ayam-ayam Agar
menahan najis sewaktu melintas jalan, sekian saya Sudahi dengan.........
Ayam di jalan di lintaskan
Ayam di reban mati tak makan

COLONEL SANDERS: I missed one?

BILL CLINTON : I've had so many chicks, I can't remember...

Thursday, March 14, 2002

Just Friends-Too Phat (featuring VE)

You got what I need (Tributes to the old school)
Oh baby you, you got what I need
But you say he's just a friend..

have you ever met a girl that you thought was perfect
you waited for her years cause you know she's worth it
here's a little story 'bout this girl I knew
just way back in pre-school sometime in 82
She has a two pony tail and her front tooth missing
with freckles in her cheeks cause her mums caucasian
upon a tree house is where we chill together
with coppers in the trunk saying friends forever
she the type who laugh when they normally cry
when they're busy playing hides we're busy playing 'bonny and clyde'
in grade school everybody knew we're partners in crime
we used to bully kids in playgrounds like all the time
we always stay holding hands to the principals office
the naughties in town and could no other kids stop us
in high school she switched her desk next to mine
so we could cheat of each other during pop quizes all the time
14th of february '93.. little jenny said she had a big surprise for me
gave me her very first kiss plus a ring and a card
saying "I love you and I have you here inside my heart"

A couple weeks later, called her house at 10
the mama said to me " I though you suppose to be with Jen"
I just rushed up to her crib, she just got out of her bed
I said " Yo, who was that?"
"Oh, he's just a friend"

you, you got what I need
But you say he's just a friend..
But you say he's just a friend..
Oh baby you, you got what I need
But you say he's just a friend..
But you say he's just a friend..

So I took Jenny's word just for it this time
I thought just being friends that couldn't be no crime
Cause even I have friends, yeah baby that's for sure
just like Watson, Hayle,Baby, Tash and Joe
So we never talk about that late nite snack with that man
we rather talk about the future we had planned
and what to name my kids like Alterika or Shayma, Aisha, Atisha for a girl
and even bring our little kids to the little tree house that we chilled at
But then at 94, I couldn't help but feel sad
Jenny had a little moving to getsome knowledge
a hundred miles away at this place called college
first couple of months it was cool but then it changed
she never called and acted like a strange who'e
one day I called her and it was picked up by a man
I called again she picked it up and said
"Yo that's just a friend"

you know I know
what'cha been up to..
what'cha been up to..
I know you know exactly what I'm talking about..
please help me say it..

This guy that's in her study group that once picked up the call
helping out with chemistry with cyclohexane and all
I got curious and ask her who else in the team
She said "Ali, Hassan, Nureen and Karim"
The next week I though of giving her a big surprise
But when infront of Jenny door I couldn't believe my eyes
I saw the same ugly van I saw in 93
I finally guest what a brother shouldn't see
I found him half naked with my girl on the couch
and baby Jenny moaning ** ** ** and ouch
So please listen to the message that I sing
Don't ever talk to a girl who said she just have a friend

Baby you, you got what I need
But you say he's just a friend..
But you say he's just a friend..
Oh baby you, you got what I need
But you say he's just a friend..
But you say he's just a friend..

A cassanova pimp, man I had my flings
Who guessed a little goody-hoody is always a little player king
I tell you when I finally yield in 96
This time during my school I had a clash it's really sick
she made a pinnafore look like a dress so vogue
And her little shoes look all pair and clean
It's always white, whiter than anybody else's
Just like in ads in tv, man this honey was the nicest
I had to step on my game I told her my name
She said her name was Wanda, I found out that we live on the same street
she moved there five block down
and after 3 days and 6 banana splits
I had her locked down
We were fine but had this little problem though
Cause Wanda always acted funny with my mates yo!
But when I caught them kissing it wasn't funny no more
With a big smile he just said "she's just a friend y'all"

you, you got what I need
But you say she's just a friend..
But you say she's just a friend..
Oh baby you, you got what I need
But you say she's just a friend..
But you say she's just a friend..


Location : Home
Feeling : Hungry
Listening to : Alicia Keys "A Woman's Worth"
Wearing : pink and white "Niagara Falls Hard Rock Cafe" baby-Tee with an Esprit denim overalls.
Smells like : Lancome's "Miracle".
Looking for : my glasses.
Due soon : Mama's birthday, reply to Kak Ija's email, lunch with Mentor, lab worksheet, Process Analytical midterm.
Coming soon : SPRING BREAK!!

Sunday, March 10, 2002

Time : 24 hours
Estimated reading material : 400 ++ pages
Homework Problems : 5
Lab Reports: 2
Estimated room temperature : 40F
Outside temperature : 24F (Frigid)
Dilligent level : Almost non-existing

Fallen For You by Sheila Nicholls
(soundtrack of High Fidelity)

Falling for you
Did you ever see me
Watching from the referee
I was playing another game
I hope you catched on all the same

Falling from view
Did you ever touch me
Floating through your pot pourri
I though I felt your fingers touch
After waiting all these months
But I was wrong, so wrong
That was just another song you wrote
For another girl
And I hope a day could be
That you'd write a song for me
But it never came
I thank you all the same
I better go now
so you won't know how much I've fallen for you
the boy was trying to be a man
the boy who don't know if he can
I though I knew you well enough
but you're also still too tough

But I was wrong, so wrong
That was just another song you wrote
For another girl
And I hope a day could be
When you'd write a song for me
But it never came
I thank you all the same
I better go now
so you won't know how much I..

Thought about you all the time
Walking around, a girl can't hide
Like a rhyme in my mind
there you are, in my car
But we don't drive very far

To the beach out of reach
Next to me, my fantasy

Falling for you
Did you ever see me
Watching from the referee
I was playing another game
I hope you catched on all the same

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

So many unanswered questions....let me set it straight for you..

Standing Still by Jewel
Cutting through the darkest night are my two headlights
Try to keep it clear, but I'm losing it here
To the twilight
There's a dead end to my left
There's a burning bush to my right
You aren't in sight
You aren't in sight
[Good story opener.. definitely sets the scene..]

Do you want me
Like I want you ?
[If you have to ask.. then maybe not]
Or am I standing still? [I think you are babe]
Beneath a darkened sky
Or am I standing still ?
[what's with the same question? let me tell ya, you are standing still]
With the scenery flying by
Or am I standing still ?
[you know what they say 'third time lucky', maybe this time you'll understand "yes lady, you are standing still"]
Out of the corner of my eye
Was that you passing me by?
[no, you're starting to imagine things, my dear]

Mothers on the stoop
Boys in souped-up coupes
On this hot summer night
Between fight and flight
Is the blind man's sight
And a choice that's right
I roll the window down
Feel like I'm gonna drown in this strange town
Feel broken down
Feel broken down
[I really feel sorry for you, but please move on.. life's really not that bad]

Do you want me
Like I want you ?
[would it make you feel better if I tell you that he used to]
Or am I standing still? [yes, definitely!]
Beneath a darkened sky
Or am I standing still ?
[what can I say, yes you area.. he's moved on and you're still here girl!]
With the scenery flying by
Or am I standing still ?
[the truth hurts but you still need to hear it.. yes, why won't you move on]
Out of the corner of my eye
Was that you passing me by?
[you must really miss him, but no.. that wasn't him.. sorry, someone else]

Sweet sorrow - He said call tomorrow
Sweet sorrow - He said call tomorrow
[hang on, did he say that he'll call tomorrow or does he want you to call him tomorrow? emmm.. maybe he's his hair cut tonight so that he would look good when he sees you tomorrow.. don't be sad..always look on the bright side of life..]

Do you want me
Like I want you ?
[Come on.. you've asked me this 3 times already, you should start singing "find me somebody to love"]
Or am I standing still? [oui, mon amie!]
Beneath a darkened sky
Or am I standing still ?
[Ja, wohl!]
With the scenery flying by
Or am I standing still ?
[Si, siniorita!]
Out of the corner of my eye
Was that you passing me by?
[please.. no more question already.. ]

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Little RED book
Well you know how men have their little black book, I just realised that women actually have a thing called the 'red' book..but hey don't start making assumptions, it's not what you think.. these are not the same type of book where you list out the contact number of all your potential opposite-sex victims, the book is more like a life guide, you know, about life's miracles, usual everyday situations, self-improving skills, relationships, bla..bla..bla [the one I found was a guide to a married life, it talks more about looking after a baby rather than aything else.. ] it kinda made me look at life a little bit differently.. lifted off those little grey clouds above me... made me see that life is beautiful..

I can't wait for this semester to end.. I'm practically counting the days that's passing by. 3 more months, then I can spend the next 2.5 months with the people I love, at the places I 'm so fond off, and doing the things I enjoy. Though I'm a little bit disappointed that I won't be able to join my friends in our little annual midwest gathering.. such woe that I have to spend the one and only weekend that I have been anticipating, in an exam room instead of in the sports court.. oh, well what to do?

speaking of what to do.. have you ever asked yourself what would you do if you had a million dollars?let's not talk about winning the lottery or anything like that, cause the chances of that ever happening is slim to none, and if you're like me [the type that stays away from casinoes and any form of gambling] the chances of winning a million through lottery has the lowest probability of ever happening.. so let's not drool on how you get it.. but let's just conentrate on what you'd do with it..would you live for the moment, save it for the future, take a risk & invest, be charitable or just splurge and have fun? First thing I'd do is probably pay off all the debt that I could possibly ever think of.. I'll even pay off the debts of those I love dearly.. my family and close friends.. without asking for anything back in return [well if you have a million, money's not really a major concern is it?] then after being completely debt-free, divide my little 'imaginary' wealth.. I'd get a lazer eye treatment for me and my parents [and my sis Nora too], put a little to the side for my dream car, a little on my lavish once-in-a-life-time wedding ceremony [typical 'monica'-like], a little on my fantasy house by the perfect beach and fill it with all of the wonderful things that I had always wanted [do I still want a private swimming pool?], take both my parents to perform the holy pilgrimage, then come back and ..go travelling to visit the seven wonders of the world, then with what I have left, I'd buy some apartments and rent them to out so that I'll always have a little continuous input [isn't this the easiest way of getting extra paychecks every month].. hang on, is a million enough for all that? heheh.. I guess I would splurge, but not until I have all my responsibilities taken care off, and I do think of my future.. though looking back, I guess I'm not really that charitable to those I don't know, I'm more into helping those who cared about me, sort of like returning all the little the favors... so why don't you ask yourself, what would you do if you had a million dollars [passed to you in a will or something] maybe it would tell you things about yourself.. don't think too long about it.. just write down everything that comes to mind.. might be fun, if not atleast it gets your creative mind running..