The sunrise this morning was beautiful.. pink aurora rays of light blends in with the blue clouds.. a sight rarely seen.. even the weather wasn't that bad this morning, possibly a sign for a wonderful day ahead.
I have just wasted the first two hours of my waking presence just surfing the net.. this job is so boring.. good thing I can study and work at the same time..
I slept late last night, trying to convince Tom that God does exist.. this isn't the first time we talked about this.. afew months back he told me that he's interested in Islam... we borrowed books from the library, translation of the Quran and everything. He even eats halal meat now.. I try to explain things to him as clear as possible.. but for someone who refuses to open up, it is very hard for him to accept things. He wants scientific explanations, he couldn't accept the logical explanations that I gave.. he needs answers... it's hard for him to accept the teachings of Islam, let alone God. It gets very frustrating and sometimes even emotional. The discussion of religion and God has been a debatable issue which could be tracked back from ever since the existence of mankind.. it might be easy to stand up confidently and say what you believe is true but it's another thing to convince someone to agree to you. Phillip, my supervisor, once spent two hours trying to convince me that his religion is the right one. It gets very personal when two different people with different views clash together in this abstract discussion. I can tell him that he should convert to Islam because it is the only religion that will take him to heaven in the afterlife, but he then he would argue with his views. My explanations would be hard for him to accept just as hard as it is for me to accept his diverged views. That was exactly what it was like last night with Tom, he has converted from Christianity to Buddhism to being an Atheist and now he is just lost! He doesn't believe in God , he sees no purpose in life and so he goes by aimlessly searching and looking for answers. So we always go back to the same rhetoric question: "If there is God, why is there suffering?".
There are so many misconceptions in this world that needs to be cleared up but it's not possible to eliminate all of it with answers.. because explanations will only give birth to more questions and so the chain grows unless, in some circumstances, a final conclusion is drawn. I want to help Tom see the light that guides me through this dark tunnel of life, but I don't have all of the answers to his questions.. I can't do it alone. Abang Ghazali gave me two books titled "What everyone should know about Islam and the Muslims" which was written by lady who converted to Islam for about a few decades.. I gave one to Rafique and about a week later the MSA held a forum with the same title as this book. I gave the other book to Tom to read, but he stopped reading it after about ten pages because he just lost interest in the subject... but then he comes back to me with all his questions.. Ithink I need to read the book myself and explain it to him.. I even told my mother that I wanted to help him, she bought a book that explains things in english but she just hasn't posted it... I can see that this is going to be a big challenge.